Graveyard Keeper Wiki

La agricultura es el proceso por el cual se cultiva fruta, verdura, y otros productos.

Jardín de cocina[]

El Jardín de cocina está localizado justo al sur de patio de trabajo y requieres permisos para poder usarlo.


 •  Primero, debemos leer la señal situada al norte de la mesa de planos, diciéndote que debes hablar con Horadric para desbloquear el Jardín de cocina.

 •  Segundo, habla con Horadric en la taberna y pregúntale sobre el jardín. Esto desbloqueará la ventaja de agricultura. Él te dará un Garden certificate item Certificado de jardín que puede ser usado en la mesa de planos en el jardín de cocina.

 •  Tercero, usa el Certificado del Jardín para reclamar la propiedad. Hasta que aprendas más sobre agricultura, solo puedes construir un parterre del jardín vacío.

 •  Cuarto, habla con el Mercader en Plantilla:Dia sobre el jardín y haz un trato con él. podrás trabajar con el jardín sin esto, pero no podrás avanzar en la misión.

Puedes saltarte los pasos 3 y 4 si así lo deseas.


Kitchen garden workbench Jardín de Cocina
Estaciones de Trabajo Ingredientes Desbloqueado por Uso
Archivo:Item star .pngTrunk item Baúl 4xFlitch item Corteza
4xNails item Clavos
2xSimple iron parts item Piezas de hierro sencillas
Improvement General storage, x5
Plantilla:Item No ingredients needed. Garden beds Growing: Carrots, cabbage, wheat, pumpkins, beets, onions, hemp.
Plantilla:Item Plantilla:Item Improvement Growing: Lentils
Plantilla:Item Plantilla:Item Decay Processing crop waste into: Peat, maggots
Plantilla:Item Plantilla:Item
Zombie gardening Small farming plot run by a zombie
Plantilla:Item Plantilla:Item
Merchant Making Plantilla:Item to be sold at the trade office

Basic Crops[]

Basic crops lack quality levels. This appears as a star , , or in the upper right corner. Crops and seeds cannot be improved, so they don't benefit from quality bonus of a corresponding fertilizers. That being said, they do benefit from quantity bonus of quality fertilizers. Good tactic is to grow them on at least Peat fertilizer, that way you reduce loss of seeds and, in turn, reduce the need to buy new seeds. However, due to random nature of farming, this isn't guaranteed. In order to become fully self-sufficient, some of the seeds must be grown with silver quality fertilizer. Until relationship increases with the farmer, this is the only crop they sell.

Crop Seed Source Grown In
Plantilla:Item Plantilla:Item Farmer Plantilla:Item
Plantilla:Item Plantilla:Item Farmer Plantilla:Item
Plantilla:Item Plantilla:Item Farmer Plantilla:Item
Plantilla:Item Plantilla:Item Farmer Plantilla:Item
Plantilla:Item Plantilla:Item Dig Plantilla:Item

Improvable Crops[]

These crops each have a quality level and are improved with fertilizer. Any seed grown with a fertilizer of higher quality than itself will move up a grade.

Only improvable crops can be packed into crates on the packing table or by the crate factory to be sold at the trade office.

Crop Seed Source Grown in
Plantilla:Item Plantilla:Item Farmer Plantilla:Item
Plantilla:Item Plantilla:Item Farmer Plantilla:Item
Plantilla:Item Plantilla:Item Farmer Plantilla:Item


The compost heap turns eight units of crop waste into six units of peat and two units of maggots. Peat serves as a 'starter' fertilizer with a copper quality and copper boost, as well as being a necessary ingredient for crafting more advanced fertilizers.

Peat is also necessary for certain craftable landscapes, such as berry bushes and apple trees in the orchard, and flower beds in the graveyard. Maggots are not related to farming otherwise, and can instead be utilized through fishing and alchemy.

Zombie Farm[]

If you don't want to work your farm on your own, get some Plantilla:Items and have them do all the hard work for you in a zombie farm.


This is where trees and shrubs can be planted. This is separate from the kitchen garden and has its own workbench. The seeds can be obtained from the witch. Before using it, you have to get rid of the dead trees blocking a lot of room there. You need to unlock the "Woodcutter" technology for this.


Orchard workbench Orchard
Workstation Ingredients Unlocked by Use
Plantilla:Item Plantilla:Item
Plantilla:Item Plantilla:Item
Transplanting After the tree is fully grown, you can repeatedly harvest it for Plantilla:Item.


The vineyard is west of Witch Hill. It is where you grow grapes and hops. It is inaccessible until you gain access to the Witch Hill.

This can be done by speaking with the inquisitor for the first time on Wrath, which causes the guard to let you pass in the future. You can alternatively remove the large fallen tree blocking the path to the north east of your home to create a shortcut.

The vineyard already has vine trellises, that can be used without the inquisitor's permission, but they must be cleared of weeds before. If you want more trellises or a trunk, you have first to complete a quest for the inquisitor, after which the workbench in the vineyard will appear.


Vineyard workbench Vineyard
Workstation Ingredients Unlocked by Use
Plantilla:Item Plantilla:Item
Inquisitor General storage, x3.
Plantilla:Item Plantilla:Item Grape Farming Growing: Grapes, hops

Vineyard Crops[]

Crop Seed Source Grown in
Plantilla:Item Plantilla:Item Merchant Plantilla:Item
Plantilla:Item Plantilla:Item Miller Plantilla:Item


There are two variables that are important in regards to farming a crop; the rate at which it grows, and the quantity and quality of the yield. Surprisingly, this has nothing to do with the seeds, and everything to do with the soil. That's where fertilizers can make a difference, providing a benefit to one of these variables. Peat can be used as a basic two-function fertilizer, improving both variables by a small degree, while more specialized and effective fertilizers can be produced through alchemy; the better the fertilizer, the more time, material, and Energy Symbol it will require to manufacture. Alternatively, these variables can also be influenced by the Farmer perk and, in regards to vegetables specifically, the Prayer for shoots and roots, potentially increasing growth rate and yield quantity.

Item Produced Materials Required Crafted at Effect on the Crop Unlocked at Technology
Plantilla:Item Plantilla:Item Increases base quality to
Increases growth rate to
Plantilla:Item Plantilla:Item
Plantilla:Item Increases growth rate to Simple fertilizers
Plantilla:Item Plantilla:Item
Plantilla:Item Increases base quality to Simple fertilizers
Plantilla:Item Plantilla:Item
Plantilla:Item Increases growth rate to Complex fertilizers
Plantilla:Item Plantilla:Item
Plantilla:Item Increases base quality to Complex fertilizers

Quality Fertilizer[]

Using a specialized fertilizer with an increased quality will improve the yield of the crop, and may upgrade the quality of the yield itself, if applicable. However, quality fertilizer I is the only guarantee to avoid the potential for a seed deficit - requiring the purchase of more seeds - while the crops take just as long to mature as any planted in an unfertilized field.

Fertilizer Growth Rate Crop Yield Plantilla:Item Plantilla:Item Plantilla:Item Plantilla:Item
None Nominal Nominal ~37.5min GR
3-5 Fruit
2-4 Seeds
~24min GR
3-5 Fruit
2-4 Seeds
~24min GR
6-8 Veg
2-4 Seeds
~24min GR
6-8 Veg
2-4 Seeds
[[File:{{{quality}}} Quality Star.png|link=Peat|frameless|80x80px]]
Peat item

+25% +1 overall ~30min GR
4-6 Fruit
3-5 Seeds
~19.5min GR
4-6 Fruit
3-5 Seeds
~19.5min GR
8-10 Veg
3-4 Seeds
~19.5min GR
8-10 Veg
3-4 Seeds
[[File:{{{quality}}} Quality Star.png|link=Quality fertilizer I|frameless|80x80px]]
Quality fertilizer i item

Quality I
Nominal +2 overall
(1 upgraded)
~37.5min GR
4-6(+1) Fruit
3-5(+1) Seeds
~24min GR
4-6(+1) Fruit
3-5(+1) Seeds
~24min GR
10-12 Veg
4-5 Seeds
~24min GR
10-12 Veg
4-5 Seeds
[[File:{{{quality}}} Quality Star.png|link=Quality fertilizer II|frameless|80x80px]]
Quality fertilizer ii item

Quality II
Nominal +4 overall
(2 upgraded)
~37.5min GR
5-7(+2) Fruit
4-6(+2) Seeds
~24min GR
5-7(+2) Fruit
4-6(+2) Seeds
~24min GR
12-14 Veg
5-6 Seeds
~24min GR
12-14 Veg
5-6 Seeds
Example data; v1.032, with farmer perk, without shoots and roots sermon.

Boost Fertilizer[]

Using a specialized fertilizer with an increased growth rate has the potential to out-perform a quality fertilizer, at the cost of seeds and time spent on upkeep. Despite boost fertilizer II being able to out-pace peat at a rate of 2:1, it has the quality of an unfertilized field.

Fertilizer Growth Rate Crop Yield Plantilla:Item Plantilla:Item Plantilla:Item Plantilla:Item
None Nominal Nominal ~37.5min GR
3-5 Fruit
2-4 Seeds
~24min GR
3-5 Fruit
2-4 Seeds
~24min GR
6-8 Veg
2-4 Seeds
~24min GR
6-8 Veg
2-4 Seeds
[[File:{{{quality}}} Quality Star.png|link=Peat|frameless|80x80px]]
Peat item

+25% +1 overall ~30min GR
4-6 Fruit
3-5 Seeds
~19.5min GR
4-6 Fruit
3-5 Seeds
~19.5min GR
8-10 Veg
3-4 Seeds
~19.5min GR
8-10 Veg
3-4 Seeds
[[File:{{{quality}}} Quality Star.png|link=Boost fertilizer I|frameless|80x80px]]
Boost fertilizer i item

Boost I
+67% Nominal ~22.5min GR
3-5 Fruit
2-4 Seeds
~14.25min GR
3-5 Fruit
2-4 Seeds
~14.25min GR
6-8 Veg
2-4 Seeds
~14.25min GR
6-8 Veg
2-4 Seeds
[[File:{{{quality}}} Quality Star.png|link=Boost fertilizer II|frameless|80x80px]]
Boost fertilizer ii item

Boost II
+150% Nominal ~15min GR
3-5 Fruit
2-4 Seeds
~9.75min GR
3-5 Fruit
2-4 Seeds
~9.75min GR
6-8 Veg
2-4 Seeds
~9.75min GR
6-8 Veg
2-4 Seeds
Example data; v1.032, with farmer perk, without shoots and roots sermon.
