Graveyard Keeper Wiki

See Dungeon for information about dungeon levels, loot, and monsters.


Image Name HP (Approximate) Damage Locations Drops
Green slime Slime 15Health 3 Slashes from Rusty sword item [[{{{2}}}]]
2 Slashes from Sword item [[{{{2}}}]]
The Village, Swamp, Dungeon (Floors 1-5) Green jelly item [[{{{2}}}]]
Behavior Strategy Notes
Slimes bounce toward player and lunge in short range. Easy to defeat when not cornered and only foes are slimes.
Slash once or twice and back up, be careful if they are not all on the same recovery pattern.
Quest obtained from Krezvold Can kill player quickly when cornered as damage is rapid in direct contact.


Image Name HP (Approximate) Damage Locations Drops
Giant bat Murciélago 15Health 3 golpes de Rusty sword item [[{{{2}}}]]
2 golpes de Sword item [[{{{2}}}]]
Swamp, Dungeon (Pisos 1-5) Bat wing item 1
Behavior Strategy Notes
Floats toward player. Swoops in large range and has long recovery. Continually attacks the player in short range when not recovering from swoop. Low damage and long recovery.
If less than 3 bats are on same recovery pattern, slash once and back up.
If more than 3 flee until there are less.

Iron Maiden[]

Image Name HP (Approximate) Damage Locations Drops
Iron maiden Iron Maiden 35Health 4 Slashes from Sword item [[{{{2}}}]]
3 Slashes from Steel sword item [[{{{2}}}]]
Dungeon (Floors 3-15) Bloody nails item 2
Behavior Strategy Notes
Runs at player.
Dashes and slices at player in short range.
Dashes back rapidly when slashing. otherwise has a long recovery.
Increases speed randomly.
Do this if they are the only foe and less than two come from the same direction and are on the same recovery pattern.
Immediately after dodging slash (requires constant movement in any direction directly away) turn and deal 2 Slashes then immediately dodge again.
If 3 or greater (particularly bats) flee or fight them until there are less.
Objective of (quest) obtained from Snake.

Giant Fly[]

Image Name HP (Approximate) Damage Locations Drops
Giant fly Giant Fly 10Health 1 Slash from Sword item [[{{{2}}}]]
1 Slash from Steel sword item [[{{{2}}}]]
Dungeon (Floors 3-15) N/A
Behavior Strategy Notes
The fly will float around until it spots the player, then it will constantly fly towards the player. If they are in a large group have the flies follow you until you are in a hallway, then quickly turn around and start slashing, if there is only one or two, use your sword when they get near. The flies movement speed is on par with the player, and doesn't stop to attack, making outrunning it near-impossible.

Blue Slime[]

Image Name HP (Approximate) Damage Locations Drops
Blue slime Blue Slime 20Health 2 Slashes from Sword item [[{{{2}}}]]
2 Slashes from Steel sword item [[{{{2}}}]]
Dungeon (Floors 5-9) Blue jelly item [[{{{2}}}]]
Behavior Strategy Notes
They bounce towards the player. Just like green slimes, when near the player, slash twice then back up.

Fire Bat[]

Image Name HP (Approximate) Damage Locations Drops
Firebat Fire Bat 20Health 2 Slashes from Sword item [[{{{2}}}]]
2 Slashes from Steel sword item [[{{{2}}}]]
Dungeon (Floors 6-15) Bat wing item [[{{{2}}}]]
Behavior Strategy Notes
Similar to the Bat, but will leave a trail of fire that damages the player. Also similar to the Bat, but take care to avoid the Fire Bat's fire trail and make sure not to allow yourself to become cornered, forcing you to run through the Fire Bat's trail.

Giant Spider[]

Image Name HP (Approximate) Damage Locations Drops
Giant spider Giant Spider 30Health 3 Slashes from Sword item [[{{{2}}}]]
2 Slashes from Steel sword item [[{{{2}}}]]
Dungeon (Floors 7-15) Spider web item [[{{{2}}}]]
Behavior Strategy Notes
Will lunge and attack, before bouncing back and firing a ranged projectile. Engaging around objects, tight spaces or against walls can be helpful.

Lightning Ball[]

Image Name HP (Approximate) Damage Locations Drops
Lightning ball Lightning Ball 20Health 1x27 Dungeon (Floors 7-15) Electric powder item [[{{{2}}}]]
Behavior Strategy Notes
Rapidly moves towards the player and, after reaching the player, detonates with a one second delay. Once it stops, simply move out of the explosion's range. Can be killed, though will still explode and drop, making the effort relatively pointless.


Image Name HP (Approximate) Damage Locations Drops
Black slime Poppet 30Health 2x17 Dungeon (Floors 8-15) Black jelly item [[{{{2}}}]]
Behavior Strategy Notes
Stationary monster that fires 3 balls in a fan pattern up, down, left, or right depending on the player's position This creep fires the balls making a cone. you can reach it by passing through the balls or staying in a blind point in diagonal with it.

Orange Slime[]

Image Name HP (Approximate) Damage Locations Drops
Orange slime Orange Slime 25Health ? Dungeon (Floors 10-15) Orange jelly item [[{{{2}}}]]
Behavior Strategy Notes
? ?

Rock Golem[]

Image Name HP (Approximate) Damage Locations Drops
Rock golem Rock golem 60Health 3x27 Dungeon (Floor 11) N/A
Behavior Strategy Notes
? ?

Stone Golem[]

Image Name HP (Approximate) Damage Locations Drops
Stone golem Stone Golem 70Health 3x27 Dungeon (Floors 13-14) N/A
Behavior Strategy Notes
? ?

Obsidian Golem[]

Image Name HP (Approximate) Damage Locations Drops
Obsidian golem Obsidian Golem 80Health 3x27 Dungeon (Floor 15) N/A
Behavior Strategy Notes
? ?

Unimplemented Monsters[]

Image Name
Golgothan Golgothan
Golgothan hand Golgothan Hand
Archivo:Golgothan mini.png Golgothan Mini


  • Monsters are capable of pushing each other making it easy to kill 2 Revenants at once but makes the combination of Bats and Revenants particularly deadly.
  • The players attacks, as well as particular monster's ranged attacks, can hit and destroy some objects.
  • It is possible for monsters to push items out of the map.
  • Due to a bug, when moving directly towards a monster that is dashing, such as a swooping bat or lunging slime, the monster may be pushed rapidly away from the player after dealing damage.