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最終編集:Ryuka mayauka(2019-11-19 04:14:48)

Alchemical Ingredients



Lost Memories[]

あなたに最初に会ったとき、彼女は記憶を失っていると話します。彼女は記憶を回復するのを助けるクエストを与えます。彼女に Heal potion item治療のポーション (1)を渡して20のHappiness or Friendship Symbolを受け取るか、鍛冶屋から Cauldron item大釜 (1)Silver Coin Symbol10 で買ってくるように頼んできます。 Bee item (1) and Life powder item体力の粉 (1) for a total of also 20 Happiness or Friendship Symbol and Heal potion item治療のポーション (3).

She unlocks the alchemy tech tree for you when you accept this mission, making various alchemy-related structures available for construction in the alchemy lab.

The Merchant's Cure[]

The merchant asks you to speak to Clotho for a cure for his curse after consuming the Hiccup grass itemhiccup grass. Clotho tells you the recipe for his cure: Salt itemsalt and Health solution itemhealth solution. Completing the quest will unlock the Spices itemSpices recipe. Due to a bug (?), you can produce spices without having them unlocked by this quest.

Pumpkin Soup[]

In order to start this quest, you must unlock the orchard. If you give her a Item star 2Pumpkin itemPumpkin (1) (has to be Silver Star), she'll give you the recipes for various soups.

Basket of food[]

Miss Chain bids you, to deliver a Basket of food itembasket of food to her sister. When you do so, you won't earn anything from it, but you've got the opportunity, to buy Frog itemfrog (10) from her, you need also for Miss Chain's quest. For some reason, gaining a frog by purchasing it from Clotho does not unlock the recipe to make raw sliced meat from 3x frog. Rather, that recipe must be unlocked by using fishing to get a frog.


Note: It is not possible to increase your reputation with Clotho's by a Blessing of commerce itemBlessing of commerce. (This may have changed in a recent version.) (Observed that after buying something from Clotho, such blessings can be sold. This seems to reset with each new day, but the reputation increase with Clotho does persist.)


アイテム 数量 基本価格 ステージ
Golden apple item黄金のリンゴ 1 Gold Coin Symbol10 I
Acid item酸性液 1 Silver Coin Symbol5 I
Glue item接着剤 1 Silver Coin Symbol5 I
Tree apple seedling itemリンゴの木の苗 5 Silver Coin Symbol3 I
Bush berry seedling itemベリーの茂みの苗 5 Silver Coin Symbol1 I
Slowing powder item遅さの粉 2 Copper Coin Symbol50 I
Acceleration powder item速さの粉 2 Copper Coin Symbol50 I
Health powder item体力の粉 2 Copper Coin Symbol50 I
Death powder item死の粉 2 Copper Coin Symbol50 I
Order powder item平静の粉 2 Copper Coin Symbol50 I
Toxic powder item毒の粉 2 Copper Coin Symbol50 I
Chaos powder item混沌の粉 2 Copper Coin Symbol50 I
Life powder item生命の粉 2 Copper Coin Symbol50 I
Electric powder item電気の粉 2 Copper Coin Symbol50 I
Heal potion item治療のポーション 10 Copper Coin Symbol50 I
Energy potion item活力のポーション 10 Copper Coin Symbol50 I
Frog itemカエル 10 Copper Coin Symbol5 I
Alkali itemアルカリ性液 1 Silver Coin Symbol5 II
Dark elixir item闇の秘薬 1 Silver Coin Symbol5 II
Balsamic solution itemバルサム液 1 Silver Coin Symbol5 II
Tanning agent itemなめし液 2 Silver Coin Symbol3 Copper Coin Symbol50 II
アイテム 数量 基本価格 ステージ
Digestion potion item消化のポーション 1 Silver Coin Symbol1 II
Rage potion item憤慨のポーション 1 Silver Coin Symbol1 II
Slowing solution item遅さの溶液 2 Copper Coin Symbol75 II
Acceleration solution item速さの溶液 2 Copper Coin Symbol75 II
Health solution item体力の溶液 2 Copper Coin Symbol75 II
Death solution item死の溶液 2 Copper Coin Symbol75 II
Order solution item平静の溶液 2 Copper Coin Symbol75 II
Toxic solution item毒の溶液 2 Copper Coin Symbol75 II
Chaos solution item混沌の溶液 2 Copper Coin Symbol75 II
Life solution item生命の溶液 2 Copper Coin Symbol75 II
Protection potion item防護のポーション 5 Silver Coin Symbol2 III
Berserk potion itemBerserk potion 5 Silver Coin Symbol2 III
Restoring potion item回復のポーション 5 Silver Coin Symbol2 III
Slowing extract item遅さのエキス 2 Silver Coin Symbol1 III
Acceleration extract item速さのエキス 2 Silver Coin Symbol1 III
Health extract item体力のエキス 2 Silver Coin Symbol1 III
Death extract item死のエキス 2 Silver Coin Symbol1 III
Order extract item平静のエキス 2 Silver Coin Symbol1 III
Toxic extract item毒のエキス 2 Silver Coin Symbol1 III
Chaos extract item混沌のエキス 2 Silver Coin Symbol1 III
Life extract item生命のエキス 2 Silver Coin Symbol1 III


アイテム 基本価格
Speed potion item速度のポーション Copper Coin Symbol68