Graveyard Keeper Wiki
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最終編集:AgodashiUdon(2018-08-30 15:40:52)

The achievements and the tasks required to complete them will be organized into different sections based on the context in which they can be completed - there will be spoilers・particularly in the Questlines section・so beware!


アイコン 名前 説明
First slice 最初のひと切れ While performing an 解剖 on a corpse for the first time during the tutorial・you are tasked with surgically removing Flesh item.
Novice gravedigger 初級墓堀り人 Bury your first body. Accomplished during the tutorial portion of the game.
Sweetheart Bishop 心優しき神父 Meet the エピスコプ・who you find during the tutorial portion at the start of the game.
Shady Snake 狡猾な蛇 Meet スネーク. When you first enter your cellar・a cutscene will play that shows Snake standing at the gate to the dungeon area. In order to reach him・you'll need to clear out the 障害物・which costs Wooden wedge item木製のくさび材 (10) Wooden plank item木板 (2)・and Simple iron parts item単純な鉄部品 (4).
Holy Inquisition 神聖なる審問会 Meet the 審問官. You can find him at Witch Hill during the day on Wrath.
Charm itself 魅力そのもの Meet Ms. Charm. She performs at デットホース亭 during the day on Lust.
Wealthy merchant 裕福なる商人 Meet the 商人. He stands in front of the barn just southwest of デットホース亭 during the day on Gluttony.
Old Astrologer 老占星術師 Meet the 占星術師. He can be found far east of the in front of the 灯台 on Sloth.
Bridge builder 橋渡し Fix the bridge along the road west of the 墓地. It'll cost Wooden plank item木板 (1) Flitch itemたて切り丸太材 (4)・and Nails itemクギ (8).


アイコン 名前 説明
Advanced gravedigger 上級墓堀り人 Bury 10 bodies. Unconfirmed whether or not cremations count.
Shovel master ショベルマスター Bury 50 bodies. Unconfirmed whether or not cremations count.
Stone fence 石の柵 Build the stone fence around the graveyard. At some point during the エピスコプ's questline・you will unlock the recipe to upgrade the fence at the 墓地 blueprint table. It costs A polished brick of stone item磨かれた石塊 (24) A carved piece of stone item彫られた石のかけら (2)・and Complex iron parts itemフクザツな鉄部品 (12).


This section contains spoilers.

アイコン 名前 説明
A perfect gift ピッタリの贈り物 During the 占星術師's questline・he will ask you to retrieve a Skull item頭蓋骨. This can be obtained by extracting it from a corpse.
Summon a chicken ニワトリを召喚 After providing スネーク with Bloody nails item血に濡れたクギ (5) from アイアンメイデン and Bucket of blood item血の入ったバケツ (1) from the chest at the end of ダンジョン level 5・he will perform the ritual unsuccessfully・instead summoning a chicken.
A book with funny pictures 変な絵の描かれた本 After スネーク fails the summoning ritual・he will ask you to get the ネクロノミコン. Speak to the 占星術師・who will send you to the 灯台守 beside him. Exchange 5 ウジ for the ネクロノミコン・then return to スネーク.
His house 彼の者の家 During the エピスコプ's questline・after giving him the Ceramic bowls itemボウル (20)・he will ask that you improve the 墓地 to 30 Icon skull wreath green and the 教会 to 20 Church Rating Symbol. You will also then need to bring him Red fish fillet item赤味魚のフィレ (4) (basic quality works fine) and purchase a 建築許可 from 王立管理庁 for Silver Coin Symbol20 . Be aware that after upgrading the church・you will also need to have the Rightful Citizen title in order to continue holding sermons. Speak to the エピスコプ once you have the 建築許可 to get this achievement.
Even here ここでさえ Fix the . Interact with the broken blueprint desk to start a quest to gain rights to the property. Speak with ホラドリック and he will grant you the Garden certificate item畑の許可証・which can then be turned in back at the blueprint desk.
Graveyard Veggies ハカバの野菜 After obtaining the Garden certificate item畑の許可証・bringing the 商人 Carrot itemニンジン (12) Cabbage itemキャベツ (12)・and Beet itemビート (12)・paying back the Silver Coin Symbol10 loan (if you accepted it)・ fetching him Hiccup grass itemしゃっくり草 (1)・and giving him Spices itemスパイス (made from Salt item and Health solution item体力の溶液・you will need to make Item star 3Dinner itemディナー (5).
The simplest combination for the dinners is Cake itemケーキ Item star 3Onion rings itemオニオンリング・and the easiest/highest quality entree you can get your hands on. Sleeping before crafting each Dinner itemディナー will allow you to reset your game if the dinner comes out as Silver Star. Continue until you have all five・then bring those and a Trade license (bought from 王立管理庁 for Silver Coin Symbol50 ) to the 商人 to unlock this achievement.
Perfume 香水 Give Perfume item香水 to ミスチャーム. During ミスチャーム's questline・she will ask you to obtain Perfume item香水 from チェイン夫人・who requests that you bring Basket of food itemBasket of food to クロソ・the witch in the . She also requests that you bring back Frog itemカエル (12)・which you can fish up in the or purchase from クロソ. After giving チェイン夫人 the frogs・she will give you the Perfume item香水. Turning this in with ミスチャーム will earn you this achievement.
Night watch 夜番 Give the 審問官 Item star 2Red wine item赤ワイン (10).
Simple but stylish シンプルかつスタイリッシュ Decorate the Dark Shrine to 20 Icon pentagram using the 暗黒風の机. This will require a significant number of resources・as every decoration is mandatory.
Total resources required:
Skull item頭蓋骨 (24)
Wooden beam item木の支柱 (8) Item star 2Pumpkin itemカボチャ (4)
A polished brick of stone item磨かれた石塊 (10)
Polishing paste item研磨ペースト (10)
Stone repair kit item石材修理キット (2)
Blood item血液 (20) (for filling the Blood fountains).
Dream dinner 夢のディナー Made as part of the achievement "Graveyard Veggies" during the 商人 questline.
On every shelf どの家庭にも Raise the trade company's Fame to 5. This can be accomplished by turning in Flyer itemチラシ (10) for 1 Fame・which can be repeated indefinitely.
Not a hot dog ホットドッグにあらず Serve Item star 3Burger itemバーガー (5) and Item star 3A mug of beer itemビールマグ (10) at a witch burning. The Item star 3Burger itemバーガー will require Item star 3Onion itemタマネギ・and the Item star 3A mug of beer itemビールマグ will require Item star 3Hops itemホップ among the rest of the ingredients. These can be grown by taking their respective Silver Star seeds and using Quality fertilizer II item高品質肥料II. Turn these in at the repaired tent at 魔女の丘 and be sure to serve them on Wrath during the day.
The Mill 製粉機 During ミスチャーム's questline・she will ask you to get permission to bring Alisa to the king's palace. Speak to the 農夫(NPC)・who will refuse. His son will then tell you that if you repair the windmill・you'll be able to convince the 農夫(NPC) to grant his permission. Speak to the 製粉屋・who will give you instructions for repairing the mill・but the calculations need to be translated. Bring the instructions to the 占星術師 (Happiness or Friendship Symbol60 needed for this topic)・and he will give you Paper with calculations item計算式の書かれた紙. Return to the mill with Complex iron parts itemフクザツな鉄部品 (5) Wooden plank item木板 (6)・and the Paper with calculations item計算式の書かれた紙 to earn this achievement.
Side quest サイドクエスト During スネーク's questline・he will inform you that a Vampire hunter is looking for him. Meet スネーク just south of the Vineyard on Witch Hill with Wooden plank item木板 (1). Time will fast forward for a bit・and you will need to push the boulder to crush the hunter. After スネーク leaves・mine the boulder to obtain a corpse and the medallion that will later unlock ダンジョン floors 11-15.
Match 3 マッチ 3 Collect three dark organs. Dark organ extraction is unlocked when the 審問官 asks you to obtain some for him to prove to the king that the witch burning must continue. All future corpses will now have a moderate chance to have either a Dark heart item闇の心臓 Dark intestine item闇の腸・or Dark brain item闇の脳. You will need one of each to give to the 審問官.
He trusted you... He trusted you... HIGHLY MISSABLE! When the 審問官 asks you about any other proof of witchcraft・you will have the option to either bring up スネーク's ritual or ジェリー・the talking skull. To get this achievement・you need to select the option that sells out ジェリー first・but the 審問官 will dismiss this option. Choosing the ritual option first will prevent you from choosing the second option・forcing you to either reload the last save or replay the game!
A father and a son Complete the final task of スネーク's ritual by giving him a Dark heart item闇の心臓. He will then perform the ritual for the last time・bringing his and the 審問官's questlines to a close.
Ideal song ピッタリな歌 During ミスチャーム's questline・you will ask ヴァグナー for a song to give to ミスチャーム. He asks you for Infusion itemInfusion・which can be made by distilling Booze item強い酒 (1) and Red mushroom item赤いキノコ (3). After giving ヴァグナー the Infusion・return the next day to find a note from ヴァグナー. At night・head to the cliffs just north of the beach where a cutscene will play・in which you receive the Ideal song and earn the achievement.
His mansion 彼の者の邸宅 To upgrade the 教会 to a Cathedral・you will need 200 Icon skull wreath green and 50 Church Rating Symbol. You will also be asked to carve Item star 3A carved piece of marble item彫られた大理石のかけら (3)・which will require Item star 3Iron chisel item鉄のタガネ・or Item star 2Iron chisel item鉄のタガネ with technology boosts.
Two brothers After upgrading the 教会 and finishing the 商人 questline up to the point where the 商人 needs to attend a ceremony for his new position・try to get the Accepted invitation item返答済みの招待状 from the 審問官・who will refuse. Then talk to the 商人・who will agree to go. On Pride・provide the エピスコプ with Aristocrat papers (Gold Coin Symbol12 from 王立管理庁) and the Accepted invitation item返答済みの招待状. Then speak to him again to initiate a cutscene・after which you will have this achievement.
Best seller ベストセラー During the ミスチャーム and 占星術師 combined questline・you will need to provide the 占星術師 with a Item star 2Silver book item. These can be made by combining a Hard cover itemハードカバー and a Chapter item原稿の一部・the quality depending on your available technology boosts. You will likely need at least Item star 2Hard cover itemハードカバー and Item star 2Chapter item原稿の一部. After giving the 占星術師 the Item star 2Silver book item・you will need to talk to him again the following week・where he will ask you now for a Item star 3Gold book item. This will most likely need Item star 3Hard cover itemハードカバー and Item star 3Chapter item原稿の一部・as well as some luck to ensure that the book actually comes out Gold Star (use the sleep/save trick and reload the game if you get stuck with a Silver Star. Turning in the completed Item star 3Gold book item will earn you this achievement.
Prodigal father After providing the 占星術師 with the Item star 3Gold book item and waiting a week・you will be able to begin the excavation from his dialog. A cutscene will play and at the end you will have this achievement.
Back home Upon completing the questlines required for "A father and a son"・"Two brothers"・and "Prodigal father"・you will have the 6 items required to open the portal at 魔女の丘 (the Salty Fork・the Mirror of Pride・the Endless Notebook・the Eternal Burning Coal・the Golden Angle・and the Necklace). Craft the parts in front of the portal and a cutscene will play・after which you will earn this achievement.


アイコン 名前 説明
Marble 大理石 The Marble quarry can be found after repairing the bridge over the river and removing the blockage at the end of the road to the north. Repairing it requires Flitch itemたて切り丸太材 (16) Simple iron parts item単純な鉄部品 (4)・and Nails itemクギ (7). If you run out of energy while building・you can enter the cabin and sleep to recover.
Sashimi master 刺身マスター Remove Flesh item (30) from corpses. Slicing the meat isn't needed for this achievement・just the extraction.
Winemaker ワインメーカー Can be made by turning Item star 3Grapes itemブドウ (30) (grown using the ブドウ畑 and Item star 2Grape seed itemブドウの種 with Quality fertilizer II item高品質肥料II or simply using Item star 3Grape seed itemブドウの種) into Item star 3Pail of grape juice itemバケツ入りブドウジュース (2)・then fermenting in the Wine barrel. If you do not have the perk to improve the quality of your wines・you will have a 50% chance of ending up with Item star 2Red wine item赤ワイン instead・so save beforehand or make extras.
Golden pumpkin 黄金のカボチャ Item star 3Pumpkin itemカボチャ can be grown by combining Item star 2Pumpkin seed itemカボチャの種 with Quality fertilizer II item高品質肥料II or by planting Item star 3Pumpkin seed itemカボチャの種. Harvesting the resulting Item star 3Pumpkin itemカボチャ will unlock this achievement.
Kitchen boy キッチンボーイ コックさん 10 different items from the Cooking list. If you find you're short on things to cook・be sure to purchase the recipes from チェイン夫人.
Cook コックさん コックさん 20 different items from the Cooking list. If you find you're short on things to cook・be sure to purchase the recipes from チェイン夫人.
Chef シェフ コックさん 30 different items from the Cooking list. If you find you're short on things to cook・be sure to purchase the recipes from チェイン夫人.
Apprentice 弟子 Discover 5 alchemy recipes by combining Alchemy ingredients from either the 錬金術作業台(ステージI) list or the 錬金術作業台(ステージII) list (need to confirm if alternate recipes for the same components count toward this achievement).
Alchemist 錬金術師 Discover 10 alchemy recipes by combining Alchemy ingredients from either the 錬金術作業台(ステージI) list or the 錬金術作業台(ステージII) list (need to confirm if alternate recipes for the same components count toward this achievement).
Master alchemist 熟練錬金術師 Discover 20 alchemy recipes by combining Alchemy ingredients from either the 錬金術作業台(ステージI) list or the 錬金術作業台(ステージII) list (need to confirm if alternate recipes for the same components count toward this achievement).


アイコン 名前 説明
A fish a day! 魚、一日一匹! Can be simply obtained by discovering all fishes in each fishing spot. Fish discovered in multiple locations only count once・and be sure to upgrade your fishing rod.
Fish collector 魚収集家 Can be simply obtained by discovering all fishes in each fishing spot. Fish discovered in multiple locations only count once・and be sure to upgrade your fishing rod.
Ichthyologist 魚類学者 Can be simply obtained by discovering all fishes in each fishing spot. Fish discovered in multiple locations only count once・and be sure to upgrade your fishing rod.
Gold fish 金魚 Catch a Goldfish item金魚. They can be caught in the Sea fishing spot. You will need to cast at the furthest range with an Excellent fishing rod item優秀な釣り竿 and a Lure with a gem item宝石の疑似餌. The goldfish has a 5% chance of being hooked at night・and a 2% chance during the day・so be sure to bring extra lures and focus on fishing during the night.
Brutal fisherman 圧倒的漁師 Catch 200 fish. A lot of progress for this achievement can be made after achieving "A fish a day," "Fish collector," "Ichthyologist," and "Gold fish." For the rest・pick a convenient fishing spot and go for the nearest cast with no bait. It will take a while・but should be relatively mindless.


アイコン 名前 説明
Just red points レッドポイントのみ Collect 1000 red points. These are obtained from activities such as smithing・woodworking・and studying related materials and tools. You can also purchase Book (r) item赤の本 for Silver Coin Symbol3 and Great book (r) item素晴らしい本(赤) for Silver Coin Symbol50 from the 占星術師.
Just green points グリーンポイントのみ Collect 1000 green points. These are obtained from activities such as farming・gathering・and studying related materials. You can also purchase Book (g) item緑の本 for Silver Coin Symbol2 and Great book (g) item素晴らしい本(緑) for Silver Coin Symbol50 from the 占星術師.
Just blue points ブルーポイントのみ Collect 1000 blue points. These are obtained from activities such as writing stories/notes/chapters/books・crafting grave decorations・crafting alchemy components・and studying related materials. You can also purchase Book (b) item青の本 for Silver Coin Symbol5 and Great book (b) item素晴らしい本(青) for Silver Coin Symbol50 from the 占星術師.
More red points! レッドポイント+! Collect 3000 red points. These are obtained from activities such as smithing・woodworking・and studying related materials and tools. You can also purchase Book (r) item赤の本 for Silver Coin Symbol3 and Great book (r) item素晴らしい本(赤) for Silver Coin Symbol50 from the 占星術師.
More green points! グリーンポイント+! Collect 3000 green points. These are obtained from activities such as farming・gathering・and studying related materials. You can also purchase Book (g) item緑の本 for Silver Coin Symbol2 and Great book (g) item素晴らしい本(緑) for Silver Coin Symbol50 from the 占星術師.
More blue points! ブルーポイント+! Collect 3000 blue points. These are obtained from activities such as writing stories/notes/chapters/books・crafting grave decorations・crafting alchemy components・and studying related materials. You can also purchase Book (b) item青の本 for Silver Coin Symbol5 and Great book (b) item素晴らしい本(青) for Silver Coin Symbol50 from the 占星術師.


アイコン 名前 説明
Not far from the ground 地表から程なくして Clear the 5th floor of the ダンジョン. This achievement can be achieved while following スネーク's questline. You can limit resources spent dungeon crawling by going in without any healing or energy consumables・and just return after dying (monsters that you kill will not respawn・so you can chip away at your dungeon progress).
Scary dungeon depths こわーいダンジョンの奥深く Clear the 10th floor of the ダンジョン. This achievement can be achieved while following スネーク's questline. You can limit resources spent dungeon crawling by going in without any healing or energy consumables・and just return after dying (monsters that you kill will not respawn・so you can chip away at your dungeon progress).
Nothing underneath 地中最深部 Clear the 15th floor of the ダンジョン. This achievement can be achieved while following スネーク's questline (unless you purchased Golden apple item黄金のリンゴ from クロソ)・and floors 11-15 can only be unlocked with a medallion dropped by the Vampire hunter during スネーク's questline. You can limit resources spent dungeon crawling by going in without any healing or energy consumables・and just return after dying (monsters that you kill will not respawn・so you can chip away at your dungeon progress).


アイコン 名前 説明
MacPlayer マックプレイヤー Die 10 times.
Tastes like home 故郷の味 Either buy Fish nuggets itemフィッシュナゲット from ホラドリック for Copper Coin Symbol25 or cook them in the オーブン with White fish fillet item白身魚のフィレ (1) Seed oil (drop) item種油(ドロップ) (2)・and Fuel item燃料 (5). Eat them to unlock this achievement.
Health care ヘルスケア Drink Heal potion item治療のポーション (50). It does not matter if you craft them or purchase them.