Graveyard Keeper Wiki
Baked kebab
Baked kebab item
General Information
Type :
Stack size:
Consumable Information
Effects :
+energy25/+energy35/+energy50; Protection effect
Technical Information
Internal name:

The baked kebab is a consumable food item which restores energy and bestows an effect. It's creation has the unique requirement of needing a fueled bonfire, and thus pointedly can't be made using the oven. Not only is it a complex craftable, meaning that it has multiple tiers of quality, but they're also unlike any other food items in that they have different variants; requiring a mid-to-high-tier fish fillet, as well as a choice between pumpkin, onion, or edible mushroom. For more information, see cooking.

Pumpkin and fish[ | ]

Recipe[ | ]

Item Produced Materials Required Cost
Quality animation
Baked kebab
Quality animation
Quality fish fillet

Quality animation

Quality animation
Blue fish fillet

Quality animation
-Fuel Symbol25

Quality levels[ | ]

Copper Silver Gold
Copper Quality Star
Baked kebab pumpkin
Silver Quality Star
Baked kebab pumpkin
Gold Quality Star
Baked kebab pumpkin
+energy25 +energy35 +energy50

Effect[ | ]

On use, this baked kebab will apply the 'Tough Mood' buff for a duration of 2 minutes, increasing the player's defense by 4 points. Quality level does not have an impact. For a list of all available buffs and their benefits, see effects.

Icon Description Duration Notes
Tough Mood Incoming damage is reduced. 2:00 Tough Mood

Onion and fish[ | ]

Recipe[ | ]

Item Produced Materials Required Cost
Quality animation
Baked kebab
Quality animation
Quality fish fillet

Quality animation

Quality animation
Blue fish fillet

Quality animation
-Fuel Symbol20

Quality levels[ | ]

Copper Silver Gold
Copper Quality Star
Baked kebab onion item
Silver Quality Star
Baked kebab onion item
Gold Quality Star
Baked kebab onion item
+energy25 +energy35 +energy45

Effect[ | ]

On use, this baked kebab will apply the 'Rage' buff for a duration of 2 minutes, increasing the player's damage by -Health5. Quality level does not have an impact. For a list of all available buffs and their benefits, see effects.

Icon Description Duration Notes
Rage You deal additional damage to monsters. 2:00 Rage

Mushroom and fish[ | ]

Recipe[ | ]

Item Produced Materials Required Cost
Quality animation
Baked kebab
Quality animation
Quality fish fillet

Edible mushroom

Quality animation
Blue fish fillet

Edible mushroom
-Fuel Symbol20

Quality levels[ | ]

Copper Silver Gold
Copper Quality Star
Baked kebab mushroom item
Silver Quality Star
Baked kebab mushroom item
Gold Quality Star
Baked kebab mushroom item
+energy24 +energy30 +energy42

Effect[ | ]

On use, this baked kebab will apply the 'Tough Mood' buff for a duration of 2 minutes, increasing the player's defense by 4 points. Quality level does not have an impact. For a list of all available buffs and their benefits, see effects.

Icon Description Duration Notes
Tough Mood Incoming damage is reduced. 2:00 Tough Mood

Trading[ | ]

NPC Quality Buy Tier Base Cost Sell Tier Base Price
MerchantMerchant Gold Star
III N/A III Copper Coin36
