Graveyard Keeper Wiki

When creating an item page it's appreciated if you would follow this format. Follow the instructions in each comment. If you're unsure of a technical value like cost, stack size, or internal name leave it blank for later population. The Cabbage page is a good example of a basic item page if you're uncertain.

{{Item Infobox
| name         = {{PAGENAME}} 
| image        = {{PAGENAME}} item.png
| nameinternal = <!-- The name of the item in the games files. -->
| type         = <!-- What category the item falls under.  For example where it might be found on the Items Page. -->
| study        = <!-- The techpoint bounty for studying it at the study table.  Remove this field if it doesn't apply. -->
| alchemy      = <!-- The products which can be obtained using the alchemical mill, hand mixer, or distillation cube.  Remove this field if it doesn't apply -->
| source       = <!-- Where the item can be obtained.  If the item is unobtainable in the current version write "None". -->
| cost         = <!-- The base cost of the item.  Numbers entered here will be automatically formatted into copper silver and gold coins. Remove this field if it doesn't apply. -->
| stacksize    = <!-- The maximum stack of this item. -->
| quest        = <!-- If this is a quest-item this should link to the NPC it's a quest-item for or to a quest page.  Remove this field if it doesn't apply. -->

<!-- A brief description of the item, and summary of it's general usage and acquisition. -->

<!-- Begin section for how to craft this item. Remove this section if the item isn't crafted.-->

{| class = "wikitable" style "width:100%; table-layout: fixed; max-width:30em;"
! colspan = "2" | <!-- Workstation Name -->
|{{Item||}} <!-- Crafting ingredient 1 -->
{{Item||}} <!-- Crafting ingredient 2 -->

{{Item||}} <!-- Crafting ingredient 3 -->

<!-- Begin list of recipes this item is used in. Remove this section if the item is not used in any recipes.-->
==Used in==
{| class = "wikitable" style "width:100%; table-layout: fixed; max-width:30em;"
! colspan = "2" | <!-- Workstation Name -->
|{{Item||}} <!-- Crafting products.  See the template:item page if you're unsure how to use this. -->
|{{Item||}} <!-- Crafting ingredient 1 -->
{{Item||}} <!-- Crafting ingredient 2 -->

{{Item||}} <!-- Crafting ingredient 3 -->

{{Navbox-}}  <!-- There are Navboxes for each category of items, such as {{Navbox-Fishing}}, {{Navbox-Bodyparts}}, and {{Navbox-Foraging}}.  Look at similar items if you're not sure which one is appropriate. -->