Graveyard Keeper Wiki
I fish gudgeon
General Information
Stack size:
Base Sell Price :
Copper Coin5
Village, Waterfall
Study Information
Study reward:
Green Tech Point20
Technical Information
Internal name:

The Gudgeon is one of sixteen(16) different fish that can be caught, and either sold to the Lighthouse Keeper, processed for cooking, or - in it's particular case, akin to the Anchovy - preferably used as bait while fishing for more valuable types of fish. The difficulty in catching it is relatively low, thus it's thought to be a relatively low-tier fish.

Fishing[ | ]

The odds of catching most fish are usually affected by other fish in the same area, and what each are interested in; the more competition between fish, the less chance in catching a particular fish. To assist in this endeavor, the following is a table of this fish's preferences by the rod used, the selected bait, the location chosen to fish, the sub-area chosen to cast, and perhaps even the time of day.

Type Weight

Good fishing rod

Simple fishing rod
Type Weight
Inverse additemNo Bait Best
Name Weight
Village Best
Waterfall Best
Time of Day
Time Weight
Day Good
Night Best

Bait[ | ]

Gudgeons can also be utilized while fishing, as one of eight(8) available baits to choose from.

 • Aside from the Perch and Gold Crucian, these fish are also tempted by the two lures; gem'd and steel.
  • The Anchovy is practically identical to the Gudgeon in this regard.
 • One exception is the Tuna, which appears to prefer the Anchovy over the Gudgeon.
  • A Gudgeon (or Anchovy) is required in order to catch the Gold Crucian.
  • The Gold Crucian is generally considered the best commodity, given a Gudgeon bait.
 • Between its value and limited bait preference, no other fish compares.

Study[ | ]

Study table
Tech Points Resources Required Energy Notes
Green Tech Point20

-energy1 Not decomposable

Crafting[ | ]

Cooking table
Item Produced Required Materials Energy

White fish fillet

