Graveyard Keeper Wiki
Heal potion
Heal potion item
General Information
Type :
Alchemy Product
Stack size:
Base Cost :
Copper Coin50
Consumable Information
Effects :
Alchemy workbench (tier I), Dungeon
Study Information
Study reward:
Quest Related NPCs
Restore Clotho's memories

Heal potions can be used to restore Health50. They can be found in the dungeon or crafted at the Alchemy workbench (tier I).

Quest[ | ]

Lost Memories[ | ]

Upon first meeting Clotho she will tell you that she has lost her mind. She gives you a quest to help restore her mind, asking you to either bring her a heal potion or bring her the ingredients: A cauldron from the Blacksmith, a bee and some yellow powder.

Recipe[ | ]

Alchemy workbench (tier I)
Item Produced Materials Required

Heal potion

Life powder

Health solution

Heal potion

Health powder

Chaos solution