Graveyard Keeper Wiki
Hops seed
Hops seed item
General Information
Type :
Stack size:
Base Cost :
Copper Coin35
Buy from :
Miller (T II & T III)
Sell to :
Miller (T II & T III)
Study Information
Study reward:
Green Tech Point40
Technical Information
Internal name:

Hops seeds are one of five different types of complex seeds, to be utilized at the Vineyard. They must be planted in an vine trellis and may be harvested after a certain amount of time. In order to obtain hops seeds, you will likely need to purchase them from the Miller, though there is a small chance in finding some within the Dungeon.

Harvesting a mature crop will return some seeds, though without using a quality fertilizer, the chance of receiving enough seeds to replant the crop is very unlikely. In addition, given the varieties of quality, the use of Q1 and Q2 fertilizers will provide small amounts of upgraded produce and seeds. See the relevant articles on each fertilizer - or the general article on farming - for more info.

Quality[ | ]

Copper Quality Star
I hop seed
Silver Quality Star
I hop seed
Gold Quality Star
I hop seed
Copper Silver Gold

Planting[ | ]

Vine trellis
Items Produced Materials Required Time
3-5×Quality animation

2-4×Quality animation
Hops seed

Crop waste
Quality animation
Hops seed

Study[ | ]

Study table
Tech Points Resources Required Energy Notes
Green Tech Point40

-energy1 Not decomposable

Trading[ | ]

NPC Quality Tier Base Cost Qty Base Price
MillerMiller Bronze Star II Copper Coin35 8x Copper Coin25
Silver Star III Copper Coin47 8x Copper Coin33
Gold Star Copper Coin60 8x Copper Coin43
