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Marquis Teodoro Jr.
Marquis Teodoro Jr
Basic Information
Location :
Refugee camp
Role :
Camp leader

Marquis Teodoro Jr. is part of the Game of Crone DLC. He is the leader of the Refugee camp and guides you through the Game of Crone main questline. He appears at your bedside when you wake up, the first time you sleep after unlocking the Church, and brings you to the Refugee camp, where he spends his time. The Marquis actually has asthma, as evidenced by hearing him periodically cough when near him, and him mentioning he has an illness affecting his lungs that his father built a device similar to an inhaler to help with.

Quests[ | ]

First task[ | ]

Teodoro first asks you to build :

Second task For the next task, he asks yout to build :

After you meet Lady Beatrice and inform Teodoro about her, Teodoro will ask you to build an additional Residential tent, Storehouse II, and Campfire II.

Once the aforementioned is completed, Teodoro asks you to build one more tent and Teodoro's Workplace. He also wants there to be a total of 11 people in the camp. Afterwards, he rewards you with a
Universal Bag
, the recipe for Universal Bags, Item star 3
A carved piece of marble
Gold ingot
, and Item star 3

After Lady Beatrice's guards confront you in your house, Teodoro asks you to build Stakes around the camp (48 Flitch, 24 wooden sticks, 11 Happiness). He then asks you to build a Rack of Swords (5 Steel swords, 4 Flitch, 12 Happiness), and finally the Observation Tower (12 Beams, 18 Flitch, 13 Happiness). He rewards you with
Great book (g)
Great book (b)
Great book (r)
Big universal bag
, and the recipe for Big universal bags.
