Graveyard Keeper Wiki
Moth item
General Information
Type :
Stack size:
Nighttime flowers
Study Information
Study reward:
Green Tech Point10
Decomposition Products

Chaos extract
Chaos solution
Technical Information
Internal name:

The Moth is an insect, able to be found by foraging flowers during the night, after unlocking Insects under the given tech tree. It can be decomposed into reagents for use in alchemy, or used as a bait for fishing.

Study[ | ]

Study table
Tech Points Resources Required Energy Notes
Green Tech Point10

-energy5 Decomposes into:
Solution, Extract

Alchemy[ | ]

Moths can be decomposed into either a solution or extract with the hand mixer and either of the distillation cubes, respectively. Once you've u unlocked the Master of Alchemy it produces one additional reagent at any workstation.

Hand mixer
Item Produced Materials Required

Chaos solution


Distillation cube
Item Produced Materials Required

Chaos extract


Distillation cube II
Item Produced Materials Required

Chaos extract


Fishing[ | ]

Moths can also be utilized while fishing, as one of eight(8) available baits to choose from.

  • There are five(5) susceptible fish; the Frog, Tilapia, Perch, Carp, and Sturgeon.
  • The Butterfly is practically identical to the Moth in this regard.
  • Aside from the Frog and Sturgeon, these fish are also tempted by the third insect bait, the maggot.
  • A Moth (or Butterfly) is required in order to catch a Frog.
  • The Sturgeon is generally considered the best commodity, given a Moth bait.
