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Souls room
Souls room Infobox
Location information
Morgue, Euric's Room
Euric, Smiler

The Souls room is shown to the Keeper by Euric. This room contains workstations used to extract, heal and release the souls of Corpses.

You will need to repair all machines in the room before you can properly complete a soul cleansing procedure. A fresh body is placed in the Soul extractor, generating a harmed soul. The soul decays much more quickly than the body, and it decays in the Corpse as well. To reduce this decay the souls can be stored in Soul containers.

The Harmed soul is placed in the Soul healer, which uses body parts (starting with Flesh and unlocking receptacles for other body parts to cleanse specific sins) to make a Healed soul. The body parts are not used up. If the body parts match the Harmed soul's requirements, it will result in a Healed soul in a higher condition. This also generates a number of Sin Shards based on the number of sins cleansed (the number of body parts used).

The Healed soul then is put into the Soul portal and delivered safely into the afterlife, generating Soul Gratitude based on how much the soul has decayed. Gratitude is used to unlock new technologies in the new Spiritualism Tech Tree, and can be used in conjunction with Soul Receivers to remotely use crafting stations from the updated map.

Finally, the Sin Shards can be used on the Organ Workbench to upgrade any body part except Bone, Skull up to 3 White Skull and/or 3 Red Skull skulls. They can also be stored in the Soul Containers, and directly increase maximum souls' gratitude while there.

The currently known highest souls' gratitude set up is 2086Souls' gratitude, with a fully upgraded Soul Extractor adding 30Souls' gratitude, the Soul Healer adding 15Souls' gratitude, two Wall Crematoriums adding 20Souls' gratitude, a Workbench adding 5Souls' gratitude, six Pallet adding 6Souls' gratitude, 3 Soul Container III's filled with gold quality items that stack to 50 (such as quality crops or seeds) stored, each adding 620Souls' gratitude, and gold quality items that stack to 50 stored in Smiler's container, adding 150Souls' gratitude when it becomes open.

More is possible using a glitch: When placing a structure, if the player double clicks instead of a single click, the player is able to place the structure twice instead of once. Set up is shown below.

Broken glass is a byproduct of breaking down old broken bottles in the Souls room.

There is a Faceted diamond vein near the Soul portal.

Set up

A Souls room with more gratitude than it should be using the glitch

Broken Equipment[ | ]

When the room is first opened, there are several pieces of broken equipment that need to be fixed before they can be used to heal souls. Fixing each piece of equipment will increase the room's gratitude capacity by a set amount.

Equipment Materials Required Energy Capacity Notes
Repair soul extractor Repair soul extractor
Simple iron parts


-energy15 10Souls' gratitude Available when the Souls room first opens
Repair soul healer Repair soul healer

Simple iron parts

-energy15 15Souls' gratitude Available after soul extractor is repaired
Repair soul portal Repair soul portal
Simple iron parts


Polishing paste
-energy15 - Available after soul healer is repaired

Workstations[ | ]

Workstations are built using the workbench called "Souls". To unlock blueprints for the Souls room, you need the normal tech points, but also Soul Gratitude, obtained by healing souls. Building each piece of equipment will increase the room's gratitude capacity (Souls' gratitude) by a set amount.

SoulRoom Souls
Blueprint Capacity Required Materials Size Notes
SoulContainer Soul container I (Base) 10Souls' gratitude


Simple iron parts
3x4 Available from the beginning

Requires Beginner healer

Capacity: 2 souls

3 spots

SoulContainer Soul container I (Finish)

A piece of stone

Sin Shard
Soul container II item Soul container II (Base) 15Souls' gratitude
Wooden plank


Complex iron parts
3x4 Requires Updated equipment

Capacity: 3 souls

3 spots

Soul container II item Soul container II (Finish)
A polished brick of stone

Wooden plank

Sin Shard
Soul container III nb Soul Container III (Base) 20Souls' gratitude
A polished brick of marble

Item star 2
Carved wood

Complex iron parts
3x4 Requires Updated equipment II

Capacity: 4 souls

3 spots

Soul container III nb Soul Container III (Finish)
A polished brick of marble

Steel parts

Sin Shard
SoulWorkbench Workbench 5Souls' gratitude


Simple iron parts
Available from the beginning

Requires Beginner healer

Chest2 Chest -


Simple iron parts
2x2 Available from the beginning

2 dedicated spots

Pallet Icon Pallet 1Souls' gratitude



Available from the beginning
Wall Crematorium nb Wall Crematorium 10Souls' gratitude
Complex iron parts

Iron chisel

A polished brick of stone
Requires Useful equipment

Can build 2

Soul extractor II nb Soul extractor II 20Souls' gratitude
Hemp rope

Complex iron parts

Requires Updated equipment

Upgrades existing Soul extractor

Adds +Souls' gratitude10 to existing capacity

Soul extractor III nb Soul extractor III 30Souls' gratitude
Steel chisel

Steel parts

Sin Shard
Requires Updated equipment II

Upgrades existing Soul extractor II

Adds +Souls' gratitude10 to existing capacity

Healing pride nb Extension: Healing from pride -
Conical flasks

Simple iron parts
Requires Healer enthusiast

Extension to Soul healer

Healing from wrath nb Extension: Healing from wrath
Conical flasks

Simple iron parts
Requires Experienced healer

Extension to Soul healer

Healing from gluttony nb Extension: Healing from gluttony
Conical flasks

Simple iron parts
Requires Experienced healer

Extension to Soul healer

Healing from sloth nb Extension: Healing from sloth
Conical flasks

Simple iron parts
Requires Professional healer

Extension to Soul healer

Healing from lust nb Extension: Healing from lust
Conical flasks

Simple iron parts
Requires Professional healer

Extension to Soul healer

Healing from envy nb Extension: Healing from envy
Conical flasks

Simple iron parts
Requires Professional healer

Extension to Soul healer

Human soul healing Human soul healing
Wooden plank


Complex iron parts
Requires Useful equipment

Unlocks after the conversation with Smiler

Extension to Soul healer
