Graveyard Keeper Wiki
Steel sword
Steel sword item
General Information
Type :
Base Cost :
Silver Coin40
Equipment stats
Damage :
Energy per swing :
Anvil II, Koukol, Krezvold
Study Information
Study reward:
Red Tech Point50
Technical Information
Internal name:

The steel sword is a mid-tier weapon, which inflicts -Health15 of damage to enemies. It can either be crafted at an advanced anvil, or purchased from either Koukol near the mountain fort or Krezvold the blacksmith. It's unique among weapons as being a required material for the crafting of higher-tiered weaponry.

Recipe[ | ]

Anvil II
Item Produced Materials Required Result

Steel sword

Wooden stick

Steel ingot

Steel parts
Red Tech Point2Blue Tech Point1

Study[ | ]

Study table
Tech Points Resources Required Energy Notes
Red Tech Point50

-energy5 Not decomposable

Crafting[ | ]

Jewelry table
Item Produced Materials Required Result

Steel sword with gem

Steel sword

Gold jewelry details
Red Tech Point3Blue Tech Point1

Damask sword with gem

Steel sword

Faceted diamond

Gold jewelry details
Red Tech Point3Blue Tech Point1
