The days have real names. In the save file they are "_sloth","_wrath","_envy","_glut","_lust","_pride", So we would have to match them up to the symbols. The theme of the names are the "deadly sins" It actually fits good with the theme of the game.
Matching the names. If you take the wheel and go clock-wise starting with the moon for sloth. The days match the names with the icons.
- Sloth is the blue moon, sloth means rest/goofing off.
- The inquisitor explains that his day is the day of wrath.
- Envy is green as in green with envy.
- Glut is a reference fat and an eating disorder which describes the Merchant and his dialogs.
- Lust is the day the female shows at the bar.
- Pride is the Sun day.
We should get the pictures of each icon to match them as-well. 02:09, 28 May 2018 (UTC)
The symbols also mostly correspond to standard astrological/astronomical/alchemical symbols. The moon is Moon-day, Monday. The "male" symbol is Mars-day, Tuesday. The winged helmet is Mercury-day, Wednesday. The "female" symbol is Venus-day, Friday. The "sun" symbol is Sun-day. Only the symbol for Gluttony doesn't correspond to a preexisting symbol, let alone one for Jupiter. 04:19, 10 November 2019 (UTC)
Daylength changed in Ver. 1.023 (17. Aug.18)