Graveyard Keeper Wiki
Talking Skull
Talking Skull
Location information
Village, Talking Skull Cellar

The Talking Skull (unlocked with the Stranger Sins DLC) is located east of the village. It is a Tavern that you build and own. It is also a front to provide cover for the unearthing of an ancient machine and shows you images of the past. You can sell drinks and hold events which allow you to also sell food.

The Barman, who is inhabited by the ghost named Yorick, is located behind the bar. He sells drinks and food to the patrons of your establishment. He has an accessible inventory in which you can place food to sell during events.

The cellar is located behind the bar, in the basement of the tavern.

Tavern Quality[ | ]

The higher your Tavern Quality Tavern quality the more patrons will visit your tavern. The tavern can be upgraded to a maximum of Tavern quality81.

Tavern Reputation[ | ]

Tavern reputation meter

Tavern reputation Tavern reputation is earned through selling Beer, Booze, Mead and Wine to the patrons of the tavern. This can be done by placing these drinks on the racks in the cellar, where they will be automatically pulled from and sold. The higher the quality of the items you sell, the more reputation you gain. There is a gauge on the reputation meter that tracks how much reputation your Tavern is gaining. Once the bar is full a Tavern reputation appears next to the bar. You can have a maximum of 3 Tavern reputation on the meter, after-which any earned reputation will be wasted. Tavern reputation may then be spent in order to hold events.

Cabinet with Artifacts[ | ]

You can place the artifacts you gain during your quests once you have used them in the machine in the cellar.

Icon Materials Required Tavern Quality Notes
Cabinet with artifacts Cabinet with Artifacts
Wooden beam

Wooden plank

5Tavern quality You can build only 1 Cabinet with artifacts. You gain +1Tavern quality for each Artifact placed on its shelves.

Artifacts[ | ]

Artifact Source Effect
Statuette Horadric
Flask Farmer's Son
Door Hinge Left of Dig
Legionary Helm Farmer
Ancient Lockpicks Miller unlocks Comedy Standup Show
Priests Medallion Dig
The Legionary Dagger Krezvold unlocks Ms. Charm's Song
Belt Buckle Woodcutter
Clay Shards Adam Tavern Upgrade
Amulet of The Ancient God Lighthouse Keeper unlocks Rat Races
Ancient Shackles Near Swamp
Ancient Pickaxe Koukol upgrade Tavern Tables
Ancient Keys Adam
Clay Pot of Tar Witch Hill
Priestess Ring Farmer
Priests Signet Dig
A Brick from The Church Graveyard

Tavern Furniture[ | ]

Icon Materials Required Tavern Quality Notes
Tavern barrelTavern Barrel

3Tavern quality You can build up to 3 Tavern barrels.
Tavern tableTavern Table
Wooden plank

5Tavern quality You can build up to 4 Tavern tables.
Tavern table 2Tavern Table II
Wooden beam

Wooden plank

10Tavern quality You can build up to 4 Tavern tables.
Tavern table 2Rat race table 18×
Wooden plank


Advanced conical flasks
5Tavern quality Needed for the Rat Races Event

Tavern Upgrade[ | ]

To upgrade the tavern you need to progress through the cabinet with artifacts. You need to speak with Adam to get the Clay Shards and he will give you the quest to upgrade your tavern.

The upgraded tavern comes with a 10% "Tavern upgrade bonus" on any alcohol sold and allows you to build the rat race event (once the quest line advances far enough along) and more tables to increase your Tavern quality.

The upgrade comes with two additional Spaces for Tavern Tables and three spots for Tavern Barrels. One of the Tavern Barrels is included in the upgrade, the other two must be built afterwards. On the Switch, there is a known glitch where the upgrade does not provide the additional spaces for two new Tavern Tables. This glitch usually resolves through restarting the game.

Icon Materials Required Tavern Quality
Tavern upgrade Tavern Upgrade 30×
Wooden plank

A piece of stone

Simple iron parts
5Tavern quality

Selling Drinks[ | ]

Any acceptable beverages, that are stored in either the chest or the box racks in the cellar, will gradually be sold to patrons of the tavern. A sale is made every ~1:07 (or ~7 sales per in-game day), with each sold beverage generating a respective amount of money and Tavern reputation0.065. Each sale consumes multiple beverages, the number of which is dependent on the tavern quality, the maximum being 12x requiring at least Tavern quality77,

Acceptable Beverages
Product Base Price Product Base Price
Item star 3
Red wine
Silver Coin2 Copper Coin50 Item star 2
Red wine
Silver Coin2
Item star 1
Red wine
Silver Coin1 Copper Coin50
Silver Coin1 Copper Coin50
Item star 3
A mug of beer
Copper Coin40 Item star 3
A mug of mead
Copper Coin30
Item star 2
A mug of beer
Copper Coin35 Item star 2
A mug of mead
Copper Coin25
Item star 1
A mug of beer
Copper Coin30 Item star 1
A mug of mead
Copper Coin20
Unacceptable Beverages
Item star 3
Bottle of grape juice
Item star 2
Bottle of grape juice
Item star 1
Bottle of grape juice


Bottle of apple juice

Bottle of apple ferment

Bottle of berry juice

Bottle of berry ferment

Trade Report[ | ]

The trade report details the money and Tavern reputation you've earned selling your drinks during the day and food during events.

Trade Report

Tavern Events[ | ]

Once an event is unlocked, via tavern upgrades and progression through the SS quest-line, the player may hold events at the tavern assuming the requisite tavern reputation Tavern reputation has been earned. There are four events available, each allowing a substantial amount of food and drink to be sold, with differing food requirements for each that will impact the happiness of the patrons. Happy patrons will pay more for their preferred foods, and will also tend to buy more valuable consumables if available. There are also achievements for each event that can be unlocked by holding an event with an overall high amount of happiness.

Before you begin an event, all the consumables you wish to sell must be in the Barman's inventory, which you can fill by speaking to him or by preparing food items at the Professional Kitchen or the Professional Oven in the tavern's cellar.

The number of items sold = Tavern Quality Tavern quality x 2

Event Costs[ | ]

Icon Materials Required Notes
Graveyard Fest Graveyard Fest


Tavern reputation
Base Income: Silver Coin10
Max Income: Gold Coin3 Silver Coin18 Copper Coin75
consuming 162×
Comedy Standup Comedy Standup 10×


Tavern reputation
Base Income: Silver Coin20
Max Income: Gold Coin3 Silver Coin28 Copper Coin75
consuming 162×
Tavern Event singer Ms. Charm's Song 15×


Tavern reputation
Base Income: Silver Coin30
Max Income: Gold Coin4 Silver Coin40
consuming 162×Item star 3
Red wine
Tavern Event ratrace Rat Races 10×


Tavern reputation
Base Income: Silver Coin20
Max Income: Gold Coin2 Silver Coin78 Copper Coin12
consuming 162×Item star 3
Grape pie

Event Food and Drinks[ | ]

Graveyard Fest[ | ]

Event frown Unhappy Villagers Event frown
Food Selling Price
Item star 3
A bowl of lentils
Copper Coin15
Item star 3
A bowl of pumpkin soup
Copper Coin15
Item star 1
A bowl of sauerkraut
Copper Coin12
Item star 3
Baked kebab
Copper Coin25
Item star 3
Baked kebab
Copper Coin22
Item star 2
Baked kebab
Copper Coin18
Item star 2
Baked kebab
Copper Coin18
Item star 3
Baked kebab
Copper Coin18
Item star 2
Baked salmon
Copper Coin20
Item star 1
Baked salmon
Copper Coin15

Beet slices
Copper Coin8
Item star 1
Berry pie
Copper Coin18

Bottle of apple juice
Copper Coin4

Bottle of berry juice
Copper Coin6
Item star 3
Bottle of grape juice
Copper Coin62
Item star 2
Bottle of grape juice
Copper Coin50
Item star 1
Bottle of grape juice
Copper Coin38
Item star 3
Copper Coin20
Item star 3
Cabbage soup
Copper Coin20
Item star 2
Cabbage soup
Copper Coin18
Item star 1
Cabbage soup
Copper Coin15

Copper Coin48

Copper Coin12
Item star 3
Grape pie
Copper Coin62
Item star 2
Grape pie
Copper Coin50
Item star 1
Grape pie
Copper Coin40

Green jelly (food)
Copper Coin12
Item star 3
Copper Coin18
Item star 2
Copper Coin15
Item star 1
Copper Coin12

Copper Coin10
Item star 3
Onion rings
Copper Coin10
Item star 2
Copper Coin16
Item star 1
Copper Coin25
Item star 3
Pumpkin soup
Copper Coin30
Item star 2
Pumpkin soup
Copper Coin25
Item star 1
Pumpkin soup
Copper Coin20

Red jelly
Copper Coin15
Item star 3
Red wine
Copper Coin75
Item star 2
Red wine
Copper Coin60
Item star 1
Red wine
Copper Coin45
Item star 3
Royal fish
Copper Coin35
Item star 2
Royal fish
Copper Coin28
Item star 3
Toasts with onions
Copper Coin10
Item star 3
Vegetable soup
Copper Coin28
Item star 2
Vegetable soup
Copper Coin22
Item star 1
Vegetable soup
Copper Coin18
Event meh Meh Villagers Event meh
Food Selling Price
Item star 2
A bowl of lentils
Copper Coin19
Item star 2
A bowl of pumpkin soup
Copper Coin19
Item star 3
A mug of beer
Copper Coin30
Item star 3
A mug of mead
Copper Coin22

Baked apple
Copper Coin4
Item star 1
Baked kebab
Copper Coin19
Item star 2
Baked kebab
Copper Coin19

Baked mushrooms
Copper Coin8
Item star 3
Baked pumpkin
Copper Coin19

Copper Coin9
Item star 2
Copper Coin26

Fish nuggets
Copper Coin19
Item star 1
Fish soup
Copper Coin15

Fried egg
Copper Coin8
Item star 2
Onion rings
Copper Coin12
Item star 1
Copper Coin13
Item star 2
Toasts with onions
Copper Coin12
Event smile Happy Villagers Event smile
Food Selling Price
Item star 1
A bowl of lentils
Copper Coin25
Item star 1
A bowl of pumpkin soup
Copper Coin25
Item star 2
A mug of beer
Copper Coin44
Item star 1
A mug of beer
Copper Coin38
Item star 2
A mug of mead
Copper Coin31
Item star 1
A mug of mead
Copper Coin25

Baked fish
Copper Coin19
Item star 1
Baked kebab
Copper Coin31
Item star 1
Baked kebab
Copper Coin25

Baked meat
Copper Coin19
Item star 2
Baked pumpkin
Copper Coin25
Item star 1
Baked pumpkin
Copper Coin19

Silver Coin1 Copper Coin88

Bottle of apple ferment
Copper Coin25

Bottle of berry ferment
Copper Coin34
Item star 1
Copper Coin38

Carrot cutlet
Copper Coin15
Item star 1
Copper Coin25
Item star 1
Onion rings
Copper Coin12
Item star 1
Toasts with onions
Copper Coin14

Comedy Standup[ | ]

Event frown Unhappy Villagers Event frown
Food Selling Price
Item star 3
A bowl of lentils
Copper Coin15
Item star 3
A bowl of pumpkin soup
Copper Coin15
Item star 3
Baked kebab
Copper Coin25
Item star 3
Baked kebab
Copper Coin22
Item star 1
Baked kebab
Copper Coin10
Item star 1
Baked pumpkin
Copper Coin8
Item star 2
Baked salmon
Copper Coin20

Beet slices
Copper Coin8
Item star 1
Berry pie
Copper Coin18

Bottle of apple juice
Copper Coin4

Bottle of berry juice
Copper Coin6
Item star 3
Bottle of grape juice
Copper Coin62
Item star 2
Bottle of grape juice
Copper Coin50
Item star 1
Bottle of grape juice
Copper Coin38

Copper Coin6
Item star 3
Cabbage soup
Copper Coin20
Item star 2
Cabbage soup
Copper Coin18
Item star 3
Copper Coin48

Copper Coin12

Fried egg
Copper Coin6
Item star 3
Grape pie
Copper Coin62
Item star 2
Grape pie
Copper Coin50
Item star 1
Grape pie
Copper Coin40

Green jelly (food)
Copper Coin12
Item star 3
Copper Coin18
Item star 2
Copper Coin15
Item star 1
Copper Coin12

Copper Coin10
Item star 2
Copper Coin16
Item star 1
Copper Coin25
Item star 3
Pumpkin soup
Copper Coin30
Item star 2
Pumpkin soup
Copper Coin25

Red jelly
Copper Coin15
Item star 3
Red wine
Copper Coin75
Item star 2
Red wine
Copper Coin60
Item star 1
Red wine
Copper Coin45
Item star 3
Royal fish
Copper Coin35
Item star 2
Royal fish
Copper Coin28
Item star 3
Vegetable soup
Copper Coin28
Item star 2
Vegetable soup
Copper Coin22
Event meh Meh Villagers Event meh
Food Selling Price
Item star 1
A bowl of lentils
Copper Coin15
Item star 1
A bowl of pumpkin soup
Copper Coin15
Item star 1
A bowl of sauerkraut
Copper Coin19
Item star 1
A mug of beer
Copper Coin22
Item star 1
A mug of mead
Copper Coin15

Baked apple
Copper Coin4

Baked fish
Copper Coin11
Item star 2
Baked kebab
Copper Coin26
Item star 2
Baked kebab
Copper Coin26
Item star 1
Baked kebab
Copper Coin19
Item star 2
Baked kebab
Copper Coin19

Baked mushrooms
Copper Coin8
Item star 2
Baked pumpkin
Copper Coin15
Item star 1
Baked salmon
Copper Coin22
Item star 3
Copper Coin30
Item star 1
Copper Coin22
Item star 1
Cabbage soup
Copper Coin22

Carrot cutlet
Copper Coin9
Item star 1
Fish soup
Copper Coin15
Item star 1
Copper Coin15
Item star 3
Onion rings
Copper Coin15
Item star 1
Onion rings
Copper Coin8
Item star 1
Pumpkin soup
Copper Coin30
Item star 3
Toasts with onions
Copper Coin15
Item star 1
Toasts with onions
Copper Coin8
Item star 1
Vegetable soup
Copper Coin26
Event smile Happy Villagers Event smile
Food Selling Price
Item star 2
A bowl of lentils
Copper Coin31
Item star 2
A bowl of pumpkin soup
Copper Coin31
Item star 3
A mug of beer
Copper Coin50
Item star 2
A mug of beer
Copper Coin44
Item star 3
A mug of mead
Copper Coin38
Item star 2
A mug of mead
Copper Coin31
Item star 1
Baked kebab
Copper Coin31
Item star 3
Baked kebab
Copper Coin44

Baked meat
Copper Coin19
Item star 3
Baked pumpkin
Copper Coin31

Silver Coin1 Copper Coin88

Bottle of apple ferment
Copper Coin25

Bottle of berry ferment
Copper Coin34
Item star 2
Copper Coin44

Fish nuggets
Copper Coin31
Item star 2
Onion rings
Copper Coin20
Item star 1
Copper Coin21
Item star 2
Toasts with onions
Copper Coin20

Ms. Charm's Song[ | ]

Event frown Unhappy Villagers Event frown
Food Selling Price
Item star 1
A bowl of lentils
Copper Coin10
Item star 1
A bowl of pumpkin soup
Copper Coin10
Item star 1
A bowl of sauerkraut
Copper Coin12
Item star 3
A mug of beer
Copper Coin20
Item star 2
A mug of beer
Copper Coin18
Item star 1
A mug of beer
Copper Coin15
Item star 3
A mug of mead
Copper Coin15
Item star 2
A mug of mead
Copper Coin12
Item star 1
A mug of mead
Copper Coin10

Baked apple
Copper Coin3

Baked fish
Copper Coin8

Baked mushrooms
Copper Coin5
Item star 1
Baked kebab
Copper Coin12
Item star 2
Baked kebab
Copper Coin12
Item star 1
Baked kebab
Copper Coin10
Item star 3
Baked pumpkin
Copper Coin12
Item star 2
Baked pumpkin
Copper Coin10
Item star 1
Baked pumpkin
Copper Coin8

Beet slices
Copper Coin8
Item star 1
Berry pie
Copper Coin18

Copper Coin6

Copper Coin75

Bottle of apple ferment
Copper Coin10

Bottle of berry ferment
Copper Coin14
Item star 3
Copper Coin48

Carrot cutlet
Copper Coin6

Copper Coin12
Item star 1
Fish soup
Copper Coin10
Item star 3
Grape pie
Copper Coin62
Item star 2
Grape pie
Copper Coin50
Item star 1
Grape pie
Copper Coin40

Green jelly (food)
Copper Coin12
Item star 1
Copper Coin12

Copper Coin10
Item star 3
Onion rings
Copper Coin10
Item star 2
Onion rings
Copper Coin8
Item star 1
Onion rings
Copper Coin5
Item star 2
Copper Coin16

Red jelly
Copper Coin15
Item star 1
Copper Coin8
Item star 3
Toasts with onions
Copper Coin10
Item star 2
Toasts with onions
Copper Coin8
Item star 1
Toasts with onions
Copper Coin6
Event meh Meh Villagers Event meh
Food Selling Price
Item star 2
A bowl of lentils
Copper Coin19
Item star 2
A bowl of pumpkin soup
Copper Coin19
Item star 1
Baked kebab
Copper Coin19
Item star 1
Copper Coin22

Fish nuggets
Copper Coin19
Item star 2
Copper Coin22
Event smile Happy Villagers Event smile
Food Selling Price
Item star 3
A bowl of lentils
Copper Coin38
Item star 3
A bowl of pumpkin soup
Copper Coin38
Item star 3
Baked kebab
Copper Coin62
Item star 3
Baked kebab
Copper Coin56
Item star 2
Baked kebab
Copper Coin44
Item star 2
Baked kebab
Copper Coin44
Item star 3
Baked kebab
Copper Coin44

Baked meat
Copper Coin19
Item star 2
Baked salmon
Copper Coin50
Item star 1
Baked salmon
Copper Coin38

Bottle of apple juice
Copper Coin11

Bottle of berry juice
Copper Coin16
Item star 3
Bottle of grape juice
Silver Coin1 Copper Coin56
Item star 2
Bottle of grape juice
Silver Coin1 Copper Coin25
Item star 1
Bottle of grape juice
Copper Coin94
Item star 3
Copper Coin50
Item star 2
Copper Coin44
Item star 3
Cabbage soup
Copper Coin50
Item star 2
Cabbage soup
Copper Coin44
Item star 1
Cabbage soup
Copper Coin38

Fried egg
Copper Coin14
Item star 3
Copper Coin44
Item star 1
Copper Coin25
Item star 1
Copper Coin62
Item star 3
Pumpkin soup
Copper Coin75
Item star 2
Pumpkin soup
Copper Coin62
Item star 1
Pumpkin soup
Copper Coin50
Item star 3
Red wine
Silver Coin2 Copper Coin50
Item star 2
Red wine
Silver Coin2
Item star 1
Red wine
Silver Coin1 Copper Coin50
Item star 3
Royal fish
Copper Coin88
Item star 2
Royal fish
Copper Coin69
Item star 3
Vegetable soup
Copper Coin69
Item star 2
Vegetable soup
Copper Coin56
Item star 1
Vegetable soup
Copper Coin44

Rat Races[ | ]

Event frown Unhappy Villagers Event frown
Food Selling Price
Item star 3
A bowl of lentils
Copper Coin15
Item star 2
A bowl of lentils
Copper Coin12
Item star 1
A bowl of lentils
Copper Coin10
Item star 3
A bowl of pumpkin soup
Copper Coin15
Item star 2
A bowl of pumpkin soup
Copper Coin12
Item star 1
A bowl of pumpkin soup
Copper Coin10
Item star 1
A mug of beer
Copper Coin15
Item star 1
A mug of mead
Copper Coin10

Baked apple
Copper Coin3

Baked fish
Copper Coin8
Item star 3
Baked kebab
Copper Coin25
Item star 3
Baked kebab
Copper Coin22
Item star 2
Baked kebab
Copper Coin18
Item star 2
Baked kebab
Copper Coin18
Item star 1
Baked kebab
Copper Coin12
Item star 1
Baked kebab
Copper Coin12
Item star 3
Baked kebab
Copper Coin18
Item star 2
Baked kebab
Copper Coin12
Item star 1
Baked kebab
Copper Coin10

Baked meat
Copper Coin8
Item star 3
Baked pumpkin
Copper Coin12
Item star 2
Baked pumpkin
Copper Coin10
Item star 1
Baked pumpkin
Copper Coin8
Item star 2
Baked salmon
Copper Coin20
Item star 1
Baked salmon
Copper Coin15

Baked mushrooms
Copper Coin5

Copper Coin75
Item star 3
Bottle of grape juice
Copper Coin62
Item star 2
Bottle of grape juice
Copper Coin50
Item star 1
Bottle of grape juice
Copper Coin38

Copper Coin6
Item star 3
Copper Coin20
Item star 2
Copper Coin18
Item star 1
Copper Coin15
Item star 3
Cabbage soup
Copper Coin20
Item star 2
Cabbage soup
Copper Coin18
Item star 1
Cabbage soup
Copper Coin15

Carrot cutlet
Copper Coin6

Fish nuggets
Copper Coin12
Item star 1
Fish soup
Copper Coin10

Fried egg
Copper Coin6
Item star 3
Copper Coin18
Item star 2
Copper Coin15
Item star 1
Copper Coin12
Item star 1
Copper Coin10
Item star 1
Onion rings
Copper Coin5
Item star 1
Copper Coin25
Item star 3
Pumpkin soup
Copper Coin30
Item star 2
Pumpkin soup
Copper Coin25
Item star 1
Pumpkin soup
Copper Coin20
Item star 3
Red wine
Copper Coin75
Item star 2
Red wine
Copper Coin60
Item star 1
Red wine
Copper Coin45
Item star 3
Royal fish
Copper Coin35
Item star 2
Royal fish
Copper Coin28
Item star 1
Toasts with onions
Copper Coin6
Item star 3
Vegetable soup
Copper Coin28
Item star 2
Vegetable soup
Copper Coin22
Item star 1
Vegetable soup
Copper Coin18
Event meh Meh Villagers Event meh
Food Selling Price
Item star 2
A mug of beer
Copper Coin26
Item star 2
A mug of mead
Copper Coin19
Item star 2
Onion rings
Copper Coin12
Item star 2
Toasts with onions
Copper Coin12
Event smile Happy Villagers Event smile
Food Selling Price
Item star 1
A bowl of sauerkraut
Copper Coin31
Item star 3
A mug of beer
Copper Coin50
Item star 3
A mug of mead
Copper Coin38

Beet slices
Copper Coin19
Item star 1
Berry pie
Copper Coin44

Bottle of apple ferment
Copper Coin25

Bottle of apple juice
Copper Coin11

Bottle of berry ferment
Copper Coin34

Bottle of berry juice
Copper Coin16
Item star 3
Silver Coin1 Copper Coin19

Copper Coin31
Item star 3
Grape pie
Silver Coin1 Copper Coin56
Item star 2
Grape pie
Silver Coin1 Copper Coin25
Item star 1
Grape pie
Silver Coin1

Green jelly (food)
Copper Coin31

Copper Coin25
Item star 3
Onion rings
Copper Coin25
Item star 2
Copper Coin41

Red jelly
Copper Coin38
Item star 1
Copper Coin21
Item star 3
Toasts with onions
Copper Coin25
